Wednesday, June 30, 2010

my mood come back !!!

actually kol this guy yg buat PFI .. then sunddenly he speak so nice to me .. evento bfore this had a little argument :) .. then my mood become a lil bit ok .. drpd rasa marah2 dah cool skit .. kalau la semua lelaki bole ckp elok2 mcm nie pada semua perempuan, maka x der la drama air mata bak kata abul ...

PLease angry For Gud Reason

today... pagi-pagi dah dpt kol dari bos marah-marah pasal surat PFI x sampai ... uiskh salah aku ker.. aku bukan PAR.. marah la PAR ..x keje aku nak p hantar2 surat tu .. lagipun aku d interview utk jawatan auditor .. di bayr gaji sbg seorang auditor .. x de plak dalam senarai tugas aku kena hantar surat .. wpun aku x suka one of my job is 'lain-lain tugas yang diarahkan dari semasa ke semasa ' ..
bos ckp aku spatutnya fax surat tu ... dah bos sana ckp x urgent.. jumaat boleh hantar ..x la aku fax .. mmg aku je nak setel isnin keje tu sbb nak concentrate buat apm .. kalu nak marah, tenogk-tengok la dulu .. main marah jer...

Monday, June 28, 2010

I am The top Of List

my fren just call and told me that i'm the top list of those who applied for JPA scholarship to do Master. Hopefully i get the scholarship... suddenly i feel so excited to study back .. after all my last course was in 2002 .. my brain dah mcm dodol ( this is a favorite phrase from my uitm english lecturer) describing our brain is underutilize ... waiting for gud news .. hav to pray hard !

Whes My 5 Kilos Fat ?

1. 2 kilos both at my thight
2. 1 kilo at my stomach
3. 1 kilo at the back
4. 1 kilo both at my arm


opismate bgtau bulan 7 nie ada kenaikan pangkat serentak utk semua post.. agak2nya x dpt la aku .. let's go one by one objective n subjective reasons ...

Objective Reasons ..
1. dpt ptk pun aras 3 BB sahaja.. org lain ada dpt A .. org2 ni peluang cerah naik pangkat 48
2. i guess my SKT mark not really high..cukup2 mkn jer utk naik pangkat..
3. post pun 20 lebih jer.. yang mohon tmasuk aku 60 lebih .. candidates more than post available :( so wat to do hav to wait la , be patience ..
4. byk lagi senior aku.. walaupun aku dah due..

Subjective Reasons ...
1. aku x pandai mengxpose kan diri mcm org lain.
2. datuk pernah kuiri aku apsal x dtg discuss LA (walhal anak2 aku dmam)
3. muda lagi kot utk post 48 coz aku baru 31
4. doa masih x cukup daripada tuhan
5. byk curik tulang .. asik FB je.. heheheh
6. dulu aku rajin lagi darik sekarang ( do i ? i feel so)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


facing a lot of pressure lately
so many things to do
my blog having a long sleep
might b having a horrible dream'
i guess no one knows
untill today I decide
keje ..keje .. keje
i should allocate some time to myself
they only i will enjoy
day to day life